With summer just around the corner let’s chat a bit about how to keep those outdoor bins cool. Depending on the species of Worm you work with; as the temperature rises they will grow more and more uncomfortable due to the heat. Here are a few tips and tricks we like to use during the warmer season.

1. Be sure to keep your bin out of direct sunlight. Keeping your bin in the shade will likely keep your bin at a comfortable temperature; allowing your worms to thrive and keep producing.
2. If possible, move your bin indoors where you won’t have to worry about the heat so much.
3. Add frozen kitchen scraps! This will help bring the temperature down with each feeding; giving your cute little worms a nice cool place to eat and relax.
4. Adding frozen water bottles or jugs is a great way to offer a cool space to your worms. When things heat up they will migrate to the area of the bin where it is coolest. Be sure to leave the lid on the bottle/jug. We wouldn’t want to overwater your bin!
Know of some other way to keep things cool? Head over to Instagram and/or Facebook and share your cooling methods in this weeks check in! or use the comment section below.